Todays Economy and CBD/Delta 8

Gas prices, baby food shortages, everyday items like peanut butter disappearing from the shelves or priced as if they’re made out of gold. It’s like we’re caught in a never-ending whirlpool of doom and gloom these last few years, and there seems to be no end in sight. Through all of this however there have been a few constants; CBD has continued to grow in popularity yet despite that fact the costs are not changing as they are for nearly every other aspect of our lives.

Rest by Roka Saved Me!

What a journey we’ve all been through this last couple of years huh? It seems like it never ends now, and every time we feel like we might see some return to normalcy as we remember it, something else happens to push us back down. It’s been hard, as seen in the incredibly horrific rise in suicides, homicides and crime in general. I know for myself at least I tend to find myself on edge a lot more, my reactions to people and experiences have changed dramatically.
In seeing this, I also realized something had to give. I can’t suddenly make the world right again, but I can reset my own mindset.

An Open Conversation About CBD

I get asked a lot why I’m ALWAYS talking about CBD. I think there are some circles that still see CBD as a fad, or something for the modern-day hippie, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Not a day goes by now that I don’t see a new article in a health journal, or on a health site talking about new research expanding both what we know about CBD and the impact it can have on our body, but also newly found cannabinoids which in turn offer support for new areas of general human health.


Well over a decade of just really awful sleeping patterns, and yet I never really thought about all of the ways it impacted my life. I guess it’s likely none of us really think too deeply about how many little and big things are impacted over time with poor sleep. I’ve been tracking my sleep now for around 3 years, it was a feature in my first smart watch, and I decided to use it. I always knew I was sleeping like crap; I just had no clue how bad. An average of 30 minutes per day of deep sleep, even less R.E.M. sleep, and then an average of 3-4 hours of light sleep per night. Roughly 5-6 hours of sleep in total, every night for years and years.

CBD For Athletes

The answer to this question is yes. Starting at the beginning of 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from the list of prohibited substances – in or out of competition. The US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) did the same, and they provide a “Marijuana FAQ” page to clarify the rules.

Get To Know Your CBD Vocabulary

The hemp industry may be wildly successful at the moment, but many people who are taking an interest in CBD still feel that they’re in the dark due to the enormous variety of terms that are used to explain the differences between the many products that are on the market today. In order to begin a CBD regimen that’s catered to your individual needs and goals, it’s important that you understand what you should be looking for when shopping for hemp goods.