An Open Conversation About CBD

An Open Conversation About CBD

I get asked a lot why I’m ALWAYS talking about CBD. I think there are some circles that still see CBD as a fad, or something for the modern-day hippie, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Not a day goes by now that I don’t see a new article in a health journal, or on a health site talking about new research expanding both what we know about CBD and the impact it can have on our body, but also newly found cannabinoids which in turn offer support for new areas of general human health.

That is why I speak so much about CBD. The simple fact that our bodies are so clearly designed to utilize it, along with its constant discussion in medical communities would be enough, without my own life experience to add to the story. I’ve been using CBD now for a few years, though it has really only been the last couple of years that I’ve been able to find a CBD supplement to suite my every need. From better sleep to energy and a better mood during the day, there is a specific cannabinoid for that.

I relish companies like Roka Wellness for their simplicity, so many companies these days are catering to the fad portion, promoting synthetics that are poorly made, and rarely researched to appeal to the uneducated masses, and so many of these companies are what can shed a negative light on what is truly in my opinion a miracle. And then we get the companies like Roka Wellness, the ones that fine tune, research and provide just in every way a superior product, with a choice of products to meet my needs. Being able to build a health routine with a single brand of CBD is delightful, I have CBD that helps me cope with my insomnia, I have a CBD that lifts me up on my blah days, a CBD that helps me cope with my anxiety without making me just forget about life.

For those days that my knees or back become too much to deal with, I have a tincture for that. For those days where I need more pain relief throughout the day, and I want a clean all-day energy I’m covered. For those nights where I’m faced not just with insomnia, but anxiety and immense pain in my hips, I’m covered. I have a subscription to a better life, to days no longer filled with unruly stress, with agony, with exhaustion. I have a subscription to being able to fully enjoy moments with my family again, to having the energy to go for a hike again, or play with the grandkids on the floor, or spend the day in my woodshop.

This is why I talk about CBD daily. It’s given me a new lease on life, it’s allowed me to truly feel healthy in nearly every moment, it has given me my freedom back, it’s allowed me to forget the woes of age, and to simply live. Because of companies like Roka Wellness I don’t have to worry about trial and error, I don’t have to wonder if it is going to work, I don’t have to worry about it simply not working. I am able to trust each and every day that I’m taking something that has been heavily researched, developed with love and crafted with care. It’s not just CBD for me, it is a way of life, it is a series of days in which I am once again truly happy, and thankful to be alive.

So no, it’s not a fad. Though there are plenty of reasons to wonder, there are more reasons to simply trust.