Rest by Roka Saved Me!

Rest by Roka Saved Me!

What a journey we’ve all been through this last couple of years huh? It seems like it never ends now, and every time we feel like we might see some return to normalcy as we remember it, something else happens to push us back down. It’s been hard, as seen in the incredibly horrific rise in suicides, homicides and crime in general. I know for myself at least I tend to find myself on edge a lot more, my reactions to people and experiences have changed dramatically.

In seeing this, I also realized something had to give. I can’t suddenly make the world right again, but I can reset my own mindset. I wanted to stay away from pharmaceuticals, I know Xanax has exploded in use, as has legal marijuana, but marijuana these days just either makes me paranoid, or sleepy. In doing some research I’d also noticed a massive increase in CBD sales, which led of course to a ludicrous onset of CBD companies popping up daily; yet it also led to a strong increase in actual research. Some of that research led to the typical snake oil salespeople we will never be without, but it also led to some pretty incredible products.

My Experience With CBN

I initially discovered CBN as a means of helping my sleep cycle, which after finding the right one worked a treat, but I was still looking for ways to calm my mind, to help me reset my perspective and my attitude as a whole. During one particularly stressful afternoon, on a whim I decided to pop one of my Rest gummies in my mouth, frankly I was feeling desperate and just needed SOMETHING. Fully expecting to be groggy I went about my day as best I could, though I started to notice about 20 minutes in that I was no longer having to try to calm myself, I just started to feel calm. I won’t say I experienced pure serenity; I did however feel more mentally whole than I have since this whole pandemic started.

That day I chalked it up to it being too early in the day for anything to make me drowsy, so I decided the next day to try it again, as I started to feel the tension become unmanageable. And what do you know, about 20 minutes later, I felt the calm start to wash over me. Unlike Xanax, it didn’t just block out the stress, it allowed me to process it better, differently for lack of a better way to explain. Here we are now, several months past that initial experience, and I’ve found myself so much better equipped to deal with the changing world around me. I’ve found a way to do so without impairing my thoughts or emotions, without having to block things out.

The Quality Makes A Difference

Though I did try a few different CBN products, by the time I accidently discovered the natural cure for anxiety I had been using Rest from Roka Wellness for a few months, and that I’ve found has overall been the only perfect, repeatable experience in terms of coping with stress or anxiety. I do find myself trying other products from time to time, however this particular product is the only one that works perfectly, every single time. I did however discover their D8+N gummies as well, which I always keep on hand when I need a little bit more of an oomph, so I am not blasting through 3-4 gummies a day sometimes.

So if you also have gone down a path of introspection, and find yourself influenced heavily by the state of things, you owe it to yourself, as well as those you interact with frequently to give this a shot. Many of us stray from the word anxiety, or simply don’t want to admit we may be changing, however it is a near impossibility that this last couple of years has not impacted you, and in turn created a different version of who you are. So, whether you call it stress, anxiety, or you simply just want to feel BETTER mentally, believe the science, believe the testimonials. Try Rest for yourself and tell me you don’t suddenly start seeing things clearer.

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