Todays Economy and CBD/Delta 8

Todays Economy and CBD/Delta 8

Gas prices, baby food shortages, everyday items like peanut butter disappearing from the shelves or priced as if they’re made out of gold. It’s like we’re caught in a never-ending whirlpool of doom and gloom these last few years, and there seems to be no end in sight. Through all of this however there have been a few constants; CBD has continued to grow in popularity yet despite that fact the costs are not changing as they are for nearly every other aspect of our lives.

That growth in popularity which really took off during the height of Covid saw more and more people turning to CBD products over alcohol during the crisis, which makes perfect sense when you start seeing the overwhelming volume of research now available on cannabinoids and their unique impacts on our bodies and minds. You would then imagine that much like other equally popular consumables the cost of CBD products would rise, however they have not.

When you look at companies like Roka Wellness the reason why those costs have not risen becomes apparent, unlike all of the giant corporations using this period of time to increase profit margins, companies like Roka Wellness are still focused on what they have been since day 1: helping create a healthier community. With a clearly stated belief that self-care is an investment in oneself, not an expense Roka Wellness has proven the honesty in that creed by keeping their prices at the same affordable level through it all.

As you get through each news cycle this summer, as you look at your finances and where you can trim out excess, be sure to remember that giving your body and mind care is not an excess, it is in fact one of the most important aspects of each and every day. Give yourself what you need to stay at your best mentally and physically through it all and you will find yourself even more capable of getting through even the toughest of times.